[Press Release: Malark Logistics Took The Plunge – Again in 2018]

Malark continues their support of the Special Olympics of Minnesota

Malark Logistics put together a brave team of 25 individuals to jump in the frigid waters of Fish Lake.  Their team is called the, “Malark Safety Crew.”  This is the largest team Malark has ever complied in their 6 years participating in this event and they raised a record amount of donations.

Placing second in the small business category, Malark was a great contributor of the $114,000 that was raised at the Maple Grove Polar Plunge.

Malark would like to thank all their jumpers and sponsors that helped support such a wonderful cause.  To view pictures of the plunge, visit:


Make sure to look for the Malark Safety Crew again next year in their signature bright yellow and orange colors!